Monday, 30 April 2012

So start first chapter the name of first chapter NETWORK FUNDAMENTAL 

Network mean the group of electronic device connected with each other called Network .
Networking mean Sharing and Resources of information is Networking with the help of data and the group of computer are connect and sharing data  to  each other its called networking 


LAN    mean local area network 
MAN   mean Metropolitan area Network 
WAN   mean Wide area Network  

LAN is a computer network that interconnect computer in a limited area such as a home, school, computer laboratory or office building using network media .

MAN is a computer network that usually spans a city on a large campus. A Man usually interconnect a number of local area network using a high capacity backbone technology such as fiber optical links . a man organized b/w a city is called MAN .

WAN Network are organized within a city is called WAN.and is a telecommunication network that cover a broad area any network that link across Metropolitan , Region and national boundaries is called WAN.

OSI Reference Model
A major part of the CCNA exam focuses on your knowledge of the OSI Reference Model and its seven−layer approach to network activities, functions, data formats, and communications. Of course, there is moreemphasis in those layers of the model that deal with routing and routers, but every layer in the reference
model is included on the exam. As you prepare for the exam, be sure this is an area you know and understand
in detail.
WAN protocols
Routers are more often used to connect local area networks (LANs) to other networks than as an interior
device on a single network. Because of this, the protocols used to carry data and control signals over wide
area networks also have an emphasis on the CCNA exam. This part of the test focuses on Frame Relay, X.25,and point−to−point protocols, along with ISDN services.
Cisco IOS commands
The commands used to configure and monitor router activities play a key part in the everyday life of a
CCNA. For that reason, the CCNA exam includes a number of questions on the configuration modes used forthe various commands and the methods and sources used to load and back up the IOS software and the
router_s configuration.
Network protocols
Cisco routers must be able to interface with network protocols to properly interact with a network. On the
CCNA exam, Ethernet and TCP/IP protocols are the primary focus reflecting the most popular network
architectures in use in the real world. You need to know which network protocols are used on which layers of the OSI model and when and how the IP and IPX protocol suites are applied.
You must know the difference between a routed protocol and a routing protocol, including some examples
and configuration methods. Internetworking issues are also included in this portion of the exam.
Network security
This section of the CCNA exam is concerned with passwords, encryption, and access lists implemented on
the router, including how access lists are configured and operate under either IP or IPX protocol suites.
LAN switching
The other emphasis on the CCNA exam, beyond routing, is switching. One of the major emphasis areas of
this section of the exam is LAN segmentation, including its benefits and how it is accomplished with routers,
bridges, and switches.

 · Explaining network topology
Exploring LANs, WANs, and MANs
Reviewing subnet masks
Networking, especially the subset of networking that involves routing and switching using Cisco Systems,
Inc. equipment and software, has a language all its own. In fact, most of this book is dedicated to teaching you
first the language of the CCNA s world, along with the tools of the trade. However, in this chapter, we want
to provide you with an overview of the terminology and concepts that are fundamental to all of networking,
including Cisco networks.
Laying Out the Network Topology
Remember Topology is the physical layout of the computer, other nodes and cabling of the network. For the
exam, you re expected to know the most common types of network topologies.
Please accept our topologies
Local area networks are constructed in a physical layout form that best suits the network s location, the
building, and where its nodes are located. Most LANs are laid out in a general shape and pattern that
facilitates the connection of workstations and other devices to the network. This general shape and pattern is
referred to as the network s topology.
There are four general network topologies:
Bus: Nodes are connected to a central cable, called a backbone, which runs the length of the network.

A bus network topology.

Ring: The primary network cable is installed as a loop, or ring, and the workstations are attached to
the primary cable at points on the ring.

: Each workstation connects directly to the central server with its own cable, creating a
statesmanlike pattern.
Mesh: Each workstation connects directly to the server and all other workstations, creating a mess, I
mean, mesh of network connections. This topology is not very common actually, but it is mentioned
on the test.
Mixed topologies

The star topology is more commonly used today to cluster workstations on bus or ring networks. This creates hybrid or mixed topologies, such as the star−bus and the star−ring (also called the ringed−star):
Star−bus: A very common implementation for Ethernet networks. A hub or switch is used as the
central or clustering device that is then attached to the network backbone (see Figure 2−3). This is the
most common topology of Ethernet networks.

Star−ring: Used with ring (Token Ring) networks. A special type of hub, called a multistation access unit (MSAU), is used to cluster workstations and to connect to the next MSAU on the network to
complete the ring. Instead of using a pure ring structure, the star−ring is the most common form of
ring networks.

A ring network topology.

A local area network.

A wide Area Network

Subnet Mask Review
Remember There are three usable IP address classes: Class A, Class B, and Class C. Two other IP address
classes do exist, but they_re set aside for special purposes. Each IP address class (A, B, and C) has a finite
number of bits assigned to hold each of the network and host IDs. Table 2−1 lists the number of bits
designated for each of these identities in the 32−bit IP address.
Class of Network Bits  of Host Bits

                   No of Network                                   Number Of Host Bits
A                   8                                                             24
B                   16                                                          16
C                   24                                                           8

Whether or not a destination address is located on the local network must be decided without consideration to the IP address class of the network. For any subnetted network, a subnet mask can be applied to extract the network ID from the destination address. The network ID can then be compared to the local network ID and the message routed accordingly. To make this determination, every IP address must have a subnet mask.

Class Decimal Mask Binary Mask
A 11111111 00000000 00000000 00000000
B 11111111 11111111 00000000 00000000
C 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000

Remember The CCNA exam asks you to provide at least three reasons that the _industry_ uses layered
interconnection models. First, here are some basic definitions. A layered model is one that takes a task, such
as data communications, and breaks it down into a series of tasks, activities, or components. Examples of
layered networking models include the seven−layer OSI model (which you need to know inside and out) and
the Department of Defense (DoD) five−layer model. These two models are contrasted in Figure 3−1.
Figure 3−1: The seven−layer OSI model contrasts to the five−layer DoD model.
Reasons why a layered−model is used
Instant Answer Expect to see a question on the exam that asks you to identify the reasons a layered model isused in internetworking. Actually, there are myriad reasons why a layered model is used, but we suggest thatyou memorize these possible responses:\

Change: When changes are made to one layer, the impact on the other layers is minimized. If the
model consists of a single all−encompassing layer, any change affects the entire model.

Design: A layered model defines each layer separately. As long as the interconnections between
layers remain constant, protocol designers can specialize in one area (layer) without worrying about
how any new implementations affect other layers.

Learning: The layered approach reduces a very complex set of topics, activities, and actions into
several smaller interrelated groupings. This makes learning and understanding the actions of each
layer and the model on the whole much easier.

Troubleshooting: The protocols, actions, and data contained in each layer of the model relates only
to the purpose of that layer. This enables troubleshooting efforts to be pinpointed on the layer that
carries out the suspected cause of the problem.

Standards: Probably the most important reason for using a layered model is that it establishes a
prescribed guideline for interoperability between the various vendors developing products that
perform different data communications tasks. Remember, though, that layered models, including the
OSI model, provide only a guideline and framework, not a rigid standard that manufacturers can use
when creating their products.

The layers of the OSI model
Under its official name, the Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model, the OSI model was developedby the ISO (International Standards Organization) and released in 1984. Yes, it is the ISO OSI.
The OSI model is a layered model that describes how information moves from an application program
running on one networked computer to an application program running on another networked computer. Inessence, the OSI model prescribes the steps in the process of transferring data, in the form of ones and zeroes,over a transmission medium to another computer or device on a network.

Moving down through the layers
The OSI model breaks the network communications process into seven separate layers. From the top, or thelayer closest to the user, down, these layers are:Remember

Layer 7 _ Application: The Application layer provides services to the software through which the
user requests network services. This layer is not nor does it contain any applications, and your
computer application software is not on this layer. In other words, a program like Microsoft Word or Corel does not exist at this layer, but browsers, FTP clients, and mail clients do.

· Layer 6 _ Presentation: This layer is concerned with data representation and code formatting.
Layer 5 _ Session: The Session layer establishes, maintains, and manages the communication session
between computers.

Layer 4 _ Transport: The functions defined in this layer provide for the reliable transmission of data
segments as well as the disassembly and assembly of the data before and after transmission.

Layer 3 _ Network: This is the layer on which routing takes place and, as a result, is perhaps the
most important OSI layer to study for the CCNA test. The Network layer defines the processes used
to route data across the network and the structure and use of logical addressing.

Layer 2 _ Data Link: As its name suggests, this layer is concerned with the linkages and
mechanisms used to move data about the network, including the topology, such as Ethernet or Token
Ring, and also deals with the ways in which data is reliably transmitted.

Layer 1 _ Physical: The Physical layer_s name says it all. This layer defines the electrical and
physical specifications for the networking media that carry the data bits across a network.


PDU Names on the Layers of the OSI Model

OSI Layer                                                           PDU Name
Application                                                         PDU
Presentation                                                       PDU
Session                                                                PDU
Transport                                                           Segment
Network                                                             Packet
Data Link                                                           Frame
Physica                                                                l Bits

OSI Reference Model
 This model was established in 1970 by ISO. It is data communication model.
 It is logical and conceptual model.
 This model has 7 layers:
1. Application Layer
2. Presentation Layer
3. Session Layer
4. Transport Layer
5. Network Layer
6. Data link Layer
7. Physical Layer

1) Application Layer

 Deals with the communication of software on different machines.
For example: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, Telnet and DNS servers, all operating systems, web browsers, communication software (messengers, Skype etc).

2) Presentation Layer

Three activities are taking place at this layer:
1) Encryption: The process of converting the plain text in to cipher text for data confidentiality is called encryption. i.e. DES, 3DES and AES
2) Translation: Coverts protocol from one form to other. Like IPX to IP and vise versa.
3) Compression: It simply works with the compression of data like win zip.

3) Session Layer

A time period in which two machines communicate is called a session.
This layer deals with:
 Session establishment: To establish a session before data communication.
 Session management: To manage the session throughout the communication.
 Session termination: To manually terminate the session or there is a network down.

4) Transport Layer

 It uses protocols to transfer data from one machine to another machine.
 Two protocols work on this layer, TCP/IP and UDP.

TCP/IP (Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol)
 It provides error recovery.
 It relies on IP for end-to-end delivery of data, including routing issues.

Functions of TCP/IP
1. Multiplexing using port number
 TCP identifies applications by their port numbers.
 Multiplexing relies on the use of a concept called a socket
 Socket consist of three things
1. IP address
2. Transport protocol (TCP or UDP)
3. Port number

 Multiplexing helps in running multiple applications on a machine. PC keeps every application separate and transfers data accordingly.
 Every application and protocol has port number.
 Port number identifies data that which application this data belong to.

Telnet 23
DNS 53
Range of Port number is 1 – 65536.
1 – 1024 are already assigned. 

2. Error recovery

 TCP numbers data bytes using the sequence and acknowledgement fields in the tcp header
 TCP sends data in sequence
Sender also sends re-transmission timer.

3. Flow control using Windowing

 TCP implements flow control by taking advantage of sequence and acknowledgement fields in the TCP header.
 Window size is the number of packets sent before getting acknowledgement.
 It starts with smaller size of window than gradually increases until some error occurs.
UDP (user data gram protocol)
 It is connection less protocol.
 It also works at transport layer.
 It does not do any error recovery thus it takes less bandwidth.
It perform
§ Data transfer
§ Data segmentation
§ Multiplexing using port numbers

5) Network Layer

 It deals with the function of path selection and logical addressing
 The protocols use are:
§ IP (internet protocol) in TCP/IP
§ IPX in Novell
§ DDR in AppleTalk
 Every network and host has IP address.
 IP define three different network classes:
§ Class A 1-126
§ Class B 128-191
§ Class C 192-223
 Router works on this layer

6) Data Link Layer

 This layer is divided into two sub-layers
§ LLC Sub-layer: it create link between network and data link layer. For example ARP.
§ Mac Sub-layer: it deals with error detection, addressing and orderly delivery of frames.
 Addressing: In many networks more than two devices are attached to the same physical network.
 Data link layer defines addresses to make sure that correct device listen and receive data.
 In Ethernet data link layer uses Media Access Control (MAC) address.
 It is 48-bit long address.
 It also performs error detection.
 It put a field of FCS (frame check sequence) in a frame. This field holds the value of CRC (cyclical redundancy check) algorithm.
 This CRC value is calculated by mathematical formula applied on data in the frame.
 Same value in generated on destination, if values are same than there is no error.
 It does not perform error recovery only error detection

7) Physical layer

 It is pure hardware layer of OSI model.
 On this layer frame is converted into bits.
 Hubs, repeaters and all cables work on this layer.

Data on different layers
 Data on Transport layer is called a segment.
 Data on Network layer is called a packet.
 Data on Data link layer is called a frame.
 Data on Physical layer is converted into bits. 

Network Media
1. Guided media: Wired network.

Examples are coaxial, UTP, STP, Fiber optic cable
2. Un-guided media: Wireless network.

Coaxial cable types
Thick net 500m.
 Thin net 185m.
 Maximum bandwidth in coaxial cable is 10Mbps.
 It is used in bus topology.
 EMI: electromagnetic interference occurs in the cable when electron passes through.

UTP (Unshielded Twisted pair cable)
 It has eight wires, they are twisted with one another in a pair due to minimize of EMI, and their wires have external coating.
Max distance in UTP is 100m.

UTP categorization
CAT 1: use only for voice
CAT 2: use only for voice
CAT 3: support data and voice
CAT 4: data and voice, 4Mbps
CAT 5: data and voice, 100Mbps
CAT 5E / 6: 1000Mbps or up to 1Gbps
Methods to make network with UTP cable
Straight UTP method
Use to connect different devices.

Cross UTP method:
 Use to connect similar devices

STP (shielded twisted pair cable)
It has extra insulation
 It is use in special cases where EMI is more as in factories.

Fiber optic cables
 It support larger distances.
 It has no electro magnetic radiation.

There are two categories of fiber optic cables
1. Multimode fiber (MM)
2. Single mode fiber (SM)

Single mode fiber
 LASER is used to inject the light in this mode of fiber.
 Data rate is up to 40Gbps on LAN and it may go to 100Gbps in future.
 If we are using 10Gbps in single mode fiber than distance is more than 1km.
 It is expensive.

Multimode fiber
 LED is used to inject the light In multimode fiber.
 Number of light rays is passing through reflection process in this mode of fiber.
Data rate is up to 10Gbps in multimode fiber.
 Distance is 500m

Network topologies
Star topology
 Each device is connected to a central device which is a switch/hub.
 Switch is commonly used because it is an intelligent device as compare to hub. Also switch is a configurable device. Through switch we can manage whole network.
 Star topology is also called hub and spoke topology
 The PCs are connected to the central device through a cable normally UTP but we may use fiber optic etc.
 This is the topology which is used nowadays.

Bus topology
 Co-axial cable is used to connect the devices. The data rate of this cable is 10Mbps.
 There is a single point of failure means if any one cable is broken then whole network would be down.
 It transmits the electrical signal from one end of a cable to the other end of a cable
This topology obsolete in early 90s.

§ 10base2 network uses a bus topology
§ 10baseT using hub network uses a bus topology
§ 10baseT using switch network is a star topology

Ring topology
This topology is used by IBM machines to communicate between them.
 Each device is connected directly to others so that the signal is repeated in one direction, creating ring or loop.
 There is a network interface card used called token ring NIC.
 An empty token is passed from one PC to another in clockwise direction. if any PC wants to send the data, it will grab the data, inject the data and then forward the token.
 The cable used for communication is called Shielded twisted pair (STP).

 This topology is very slow.
 There is a single point of failure.
 There is no centralized management.

Full Mesh topology
It means that all the respective nodes in the network have a direct